Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Glow

I've written about the awesome names (and general awesomeness) found at The Glow both here and here. I recently found myself marveling at the photos, interviews and names there (yet again) and itching to compile the lovely monikers in list form, all together, where their beauty is all the more unbelievable. I've noticed in the last few interviews that the stylish mothers are being asked about why they picked the names of their children. Needless to say, I'm sure glad to read this type of information and hope it continues!

Here are the latest bunch of mother-child name pairs (mothers left, children right). (I'll omit parenthetical gushing about my girl crushes throughout the list; suffice it to say I have a few here) :

Zoë + Cleo

Rebecca + Luca

Christina + Lowe (girl) and Valentine (boy)

Kate + Stellan and Leif

Jade + Secret

Busy + Birdie

Constance + Coco

Josie + Rumi Joon (she's since had a second daughter, Indie Joon)

Jeanne + Zoey and Sydney (twin girls)

Maryam + Anaïs Vida

Leilani + Cassius

Eleanor + Alastair and Eleanor 'Ella'

Ferebee + Bishop and Ford (twins), and Clarke

Ferebee points out that one of her sons goes by his middle name and notes that this is a common practice in the South. It's true!  I know a lot people back in Nashville who go by their middles, and our littlest often goes by hers. What do think of this practice, readers? What about these names?

images: by Kelly Stuart, courtesy of The Glow


  1. I just came across your blog today! I am pregnant with my (very long-awaited) first child right now. Despite growing up in the South, I have to admit I was always dead-set against calling a child by their middle name - however, my husband has talked me around to doing so if our baby is a girl. My first name is a heritage name, shared with my mother and grandmother, and one I definitely want to pass on to a daughter - however, having grown up going by the same name as my mom, that gets very confusing. So if our babe is a girl, she'll have my first name, but go by her middle name. Now that I've gotten used to the idea, it doesn't bug me as much - I know we'll be in for a lifetime of hassle, but I tend to deal with that anyway since my name is a diminutive (Cindy from Cynthia), and so on legal paperwork I always have to use a name I never go by. I figure the middle name thing won't be TOO much worse....

    1. thanks for sharing, Cindy! I know so many people who've gone by their middles or other variations of their names with no trouble! My friend 'Brock' was actually a William Brock. 'Abby' was Ann Bruce. 'Brooke' was an Elizabeth Brooke. I could go on and on. I say go for it! And I love naming a little girl after her Mama. ; )

  2. Anaïs Vida, Cassius and the combination of Stellan and Leif are absolutely gorgeous. I think it's also interesting to note that Secret's full name is Secret Magic Midnight Nico Snow. Now that's a selection of middle names to go by!

    1. Oh, wow! Now that is some bold baby naming. That's one story I'd sure love to hear - maybe I'll ask! Thanks for sharing.

  3. we have that here in Utah as well, people who go by their middle names. My nephew does. It was how my brother could convince her to have a jr.

    from the list, for mother/child groupings, I love Maryam with daughter Anais the most, followed by Eleanor with son Alistair and daughter Ella (Eleanor). For sibling pairs, I really like Zoey and Sydney and then Alistair and Eleanor again.

    For just plain loving the name regardless of child or mom status, I like these:
    Constance, Cleo, Zoe, Sydney, Alistair, Eleanor "Ella", Maryam, Anais, Leilani, Ford, Josie, Rebecca, Christina, Kate, Jeanne, and Cassius. And Clarke, a little bit.

  4. Zoe, Cleo, Birdie and Lowe are my def. faves from this list, I remember being so intrigued by the name Lowe when I first it over on The Glow, Love love love.

